7 Ways Life Coaching Can Help You.

Since 2013 when I hit a personal low point to then discovering life coaching and it becoming the catalyst for hugely positive change in my life. And having served as a life coach for the best part of the past decade, experiencing and being a part of the amazing results, transformations and journeys of so many of my clients. I am most certainly an advocate for life coaching.

There are many many benefits of life coaching which I could include here. But I’ve decided to share those which I know to be the most powerful that can help you now and  serve you forevermore. 

And as you’ll see, yes I have cheated slightly, there are 7 plus ways! But the additional benefits are connected by-products.

Here are 7 ways life coaching can help you…

1. Self-Awareness + Connection

From a decade of personal development and life coaching, I know that your self-awareness, if honed and nurtured, is one of your most powerful tools. 

We tend to be so busy in our everyday lives, doing, being consumed by the everyday tasks, media platforms, our own personal narratives and those surrounding us in the environments in which we place ourselves, that we disconnect from ourselves and our ability to tune in and listen to what we actually need and want. Which ultimately leads to dissatisfaction, disenchant, misalignment, feeling fed up, probably burnout and stuck.

At the core, life coaching is all about developing your self-awareness so that you reconnect with who you are and what’s important to you and honour that. 

It will also help to improve your personal and professional relationships through your ability to communicate and create boundaries to protect those things. 

To be self-aware is to be enlightened. And when we feel connected, we feel alive, empowered, motivated and full of spirit. Enough said?!

2. Clarity + Vision 

When I start working with my clients I always reiterate to them that Rome wasn’t built in a day and that clarity and progress don’t happen overnight but with intention, with tuning in, self-exploration and reconnection that clarity will inevitably come.

Without clarity you cannot move forward with conviction or gusto. You will probably feel lost, confused, stuck and frustrated. The inner work is key here and that’s where life coaching comes in. 

When you begin to paint a picture of the life that you really want, you consciously and subconsciously move and take action towards that life. Through life coaching, together we build that vision for your future and begin to align your present with that vision so that you are beginning to live it in the here and now. 

Life coaching is future-focused and with that clarity and vision you gain hope, excitement and aspiration which will propel you towards your goals, desires and dream life, whilst enabling you to fully live in and embrace your present.

3. Alignment + Peace 

When you become clear on who you are, your values, priorities and what is important to you, it unveils what does and doesn’t feel good in your life. What needs to stay, what needs to go and what requires some attention. 

If you aren't living in alignment, it’s pretty much impossible for you to feel truly happy and you’ll likely be feeling uneasy, conflicted and without peace. 

Life coaching not only enables you to gain clarity on what’s important, but to move forward with intention to create that alignment which is absolutely essential for your inner peace and contentment in your everyday life and in carving out your future with a trust in your path.

4. Focus + Intention 

In order to create progress, you need focus and intention. Our human brains can be lazy, they like what they know and to be as automatic as possible - saves energy! In the short term. But actually if you are living a life that isn’t serving you, that status quo is problematic. 

When we don’t have focus and intent, we feel overwhelmed, we procrastinate, we find it difficult to motivate ourselves and we don’t feel purposeful. 

Through facilitating clarity and alignment, life coaching enables you to become highly focused and intentional about the action you take and how you spend your time and energy in order to achieve the outcomes that you want.

After all, you are and your life is a reflection of how you spend your time and energy. And that is a powerful realisation. Your intentions shape how you show up in the world, what you feel and how you experience.

5. Action + Results

Ultimately, in order to achieve progress and results, you must take action. 

The process of life coaching is designed to facilitate meaningful action with accountability. 

In any given session or programme, we work on the desired outcome, examine the current reality, explore the options and arrive at powerful actions that will enable you to move from where you are currently to where you want to be. 

And meaningful action not only brings results and outcomes that are fulfilling. Taking that action for yourself, taking ownership and achieving will give you an inner confidence, inner knowing, self-efficacy, self-trust and self-respect that can become unshakeable.


And that is the magic of life coaching, a powerful foundation of self and mindset. That is, the ability to recognise and exercise your personal power and responsibility in any given situation, to determine how you feel and experience the world.

6. Fulfilment + Purpose 

Why live a life without fulfilment or purpose when the opportunity for individual potential and impact is an opportunity? Why not live your best, happiest and most fulfilled life and where possible, have a positive impact for others? I believe that most humans have an innate desire and calling to help others and particularly if they fill their own cup first, will succeed in doing so impactfully. 

Life coaching supports your self-actualisation. That’s why some of the most successful and impactful individuals in the world work with coaches. And that is why coaching is one of the fastest growing industries. The results speak for themselves. 

Are you realising your potential, feeling fulfilled, living your purpose? If not, it is possible and closer than you think. 

When we are in pursuit of and achieving our personal goals and aspirations we feel purposeful. And a life filled with purpose can bring bountiful energy and joy. That is the sweet spot.

Life coaching will help you connect with your purpose, your essence, your spirit and your joy.

7. Joy + Gratitude

When we feel joyful and full of gratitude we are abundant. And with that comes powerful connections, opportunities and experiences. When you live joy, you spread joy and you receive it. 

When you are open and come from a place of joy, love and positive intention, that is when you are most at peace. 

When you feel your most grateful, you will also feel your most abundant. 

When you are able to surrender rather than be intent on controlling things you cannot, or, resisting what is and what is not meant for you…. When you trust yourself and your path… You will be your most powerful.

Life coaching is about your self-empowerment, it is about your unequivocal belief and acceptance of your power to choose and live your best life. 

To commit to life coaching is the ultimate gift you can give yourself and to future you. Develop these tools, continue to do the inner work, to nurture your self-awareness, your mindset and take the necessary action and I am confident that you will reap the benefits forevermore and that you will live a happy, joyful and fulfilling life.


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